The CubeLT is a wine cellar cooling system made up of three modules. First, a water loop acts as a connector between these three modules to pump heat out of the wine cellar. This same water circulates continuously in a loop between the three modules. It should be noted that this system does not consume water and is not connected to the building water supply.
Then, a compressor unit, located away from the wine cellar (usually in a mechanical room or garage), constantly cools the water in the system's air conditioning loop. This water is then routed to the diffuser in the wine cellar via the control box.
The control box continuously monitors the conditions in the wine cellar and via its control algorithm, adjusts the cold water supply to the diffuser in the wine cellar.
The diffuser in the wine cellar, RC4LT, pumps the heat in the wine cellar and injects this heat into the cold water loop which then returns to the compressor unit.
This cooling loop, like a standard system, is done without refrigerant gas (which can affect the health of the occupants of the house in the event of a leak) and at a higher temperature, thereby reducing the thermal shock to the bottles near the diffuser. In addition, this higher temperature air conditioning eliminates the drying of the air due to the compressor.
This system is therefore the most suitable for the glazed cellar on the ground floor. In this type of installation, all the bottles are close to the cooling system and are at risk of suffering from thermal shocks generated by the operation of a standard system. In addition, by having the compressor unit remote, this system does not emit noise outside the wine cellar.
A state-of-the-art system for storing wine without making noise outside the wine cellar.
*** The noise level of an air conditioning system (dB) for a wine cellar is rarely the main irritant. Like dripping water, it is the stop/start every 10-15 minutes that pushes the owners of "through the wall" type systems to unplug their device after a few months. In the case of a wine cellar within the living space, ''split'' or ''ducted'' type systems are the only option to consider to stay sane.***